At D.K. Farms Inc., we have excellent products and equipment available to help YOU grow a profitable crop and help YOU get it planted in a timely manner with less effort on YOUR part. We offer the following custom services:

Seed Sales

We offer a variety of Legend Seeds and Northstar Genetics seed products which are specifically tailored for our area and conditions – these include soybeans and corn. BOOK EARLY – while supplies last by calling Brandon at 218-782-3333 or emailing

Legend_largest Northstar Genetics

Seed Treatment

We have a newly constructed seed treating facility which allows for very precise application rates. With the new treater system, we have more options with seed fungicides, inoculants, and growth promoters. All of this is weighed on a state certified scale.

Grain Cleaning

For over 20 years we have been offering custom seed wheat cleaning at our state certified facility in Greenbush.

If you have any questions about the products or services offered – please call us at 218-782-3333.

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